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Prince: Chapter and Verse—A Life in Photographs

Prince: Chapter and Verse—A Life in Photographs

Prince: Chapter and Verse—A Life in Photographs


The best that ever lived. The most iconic. Lived life in the fast lane. Sacrificed his body for his fans with James Brown stage moves that caused chronic pain and paid a steep price to keep his performance amazing. His death transcended labels, immortalized and emblazoned forever, the one and only Prince.


This is a music collector’s deliverance from above.

The music he left behind is the only way to understand his ascension to the top. But to understand him is captured in amazing photographs beginning from the time he was in his early teens, already a prodigy clearly playing way beyond his peers. Each page is filled with beauty and what went down in his life. His progression into superstardom is described in pictures and words of those that knew him. Poignant portrayals detailed what he was like and how he had a clear prescient picture in his mind finding the elusive “whole sound” that every musician strives a lifetime looking for.

He knew he had everything that he needed, a fully developed ear and was an artist in waiting ready to unleash a new sound on the world forever changing it and ripping its old cover off. Not a megastar because he was obsessed with practicing or creating a manufactured style that oozed on and off the stage. His secret was the big-time world beating barn burning talent.

His presence and genius, unlike prevailing pretense and pretenders, was the real article like Mozart, born that way.

“He could hear music in his head and it would flow through his fingers,” described by Dr. Fink in this compelling stylized book that journeys the reader along the amazing Prince path, the Prince Way. Enigmatic, a dichotomy of endless energy, love, and pain that only exists in the multiverse now but forever unforgotten among his fans.

It’s neither a tribute nor an epitaph. It’s a portrait, of a generous gifted artist formerly known as Prince living incredibly well at a prodigious pace all his own and leaving behind vaults of work. Legendary, his legacy lives on. His music, fashion, style, purple prose, and his essence is thankfully chronicled here visually, elegantly, and continues giving his fans tactile sensations revisiting his greatness.


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Review Author Zane Pace

Author of new releases When Stars Align, Destiny Happens and LunaLani the Starlifter, Secrets of Magic Island.





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