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Birds of the Photo Ark

Birds of the Photo Ark


One need to go no further than National Geo for photography artistry. When it’s birds, it’s taken to a new level as the book showcases the best of the wildest and most colorful birds of the world.


As the name implies, this book is done in support one of the most important causes of our day, extinction and its horrendous momentum. You can support the cause through the National Geographic Society, Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation International, The Oceanic Preservation Society, and The National Audubon Society. Published in commemoration and celebration of the Year of the Bird, this tabletop hardback is a collector’s item. Laid out beautifully with book-matched and full color pages, you get the full glory of our flying brethren and sister warriors of the sky in flight, posing, and capturing their plumage and their bodies in detail like never seen before.

All photographs are creatively shot by acclaimed photographer Joel Sartore using a simple white or black background that isolates the subjects to focus fully on their magic. Founder of the National Geographic Photo Ark, a 30-year effort spanning the world. He has spent more than ten years dedicated to the Photo Ark project documenting every animal species in the world’s zoos, aquariums, and wildlife preserves, including nearly 2,000 birds.

Noah Strycker, has authored three bird books: Birding Without Borers, The Thing With Feathers, and Among Penguins visiting over 50 countries making birding history in 2015 identifying 6,042 species setting a new record in a single year.

For more info visit The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resource (IUCN) a global group dedicated to sustainability.

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Review Author Zane Pace

Author of new releases When Stars Align, Destiny Happens and LunaLani the Starlifter, Secrets of Magic Island.




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