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About Star Currents

Star Currents provides free space for published authors, students, and YOU to talk about anything and everything on your mind!

Challenge yourself to inspire others, share tips, tell your story your way, or cover any topic you wish.  Expand your portfolio and profile instantly.

Designed to appreciate our commonality with one another.  From the little things to the big things. Insight, hope, struggles we all share in common.

Generosity of spirit, kindness, sharing, and the karma it brings us all a bit fresher air to breathe, space, and peace, all things we all need and in short supply.

Through Book Reviews and Writers Space writer’s write and receive links for their socials and increase their clicks.

Default categories such as pets, hobbies, relationships, food, covid, collections, dreams, nightmares, fashion, design, things you wish for the world, or easily create a new category.