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Welcome To Star Currents

Star Currents, LLC a New Media company independent by definition and nature.  We are on a simple mission: We stand with the many.

We engage voices not usually heard and shut out as well as mainstream.  There are no litmus tests.  The dominant media outlets provide a valuable service but all too often spoon-feed clickbait to particular demographic silos and give their viewership only what they want to hear.

Our approach is to be inclusive.  Your Voice Your Review, for example, is our all-access platform for people to engage their voice talking about life-changing thoughts and reviewing their favorite reads that means something to them. Struck a chord.

By speaking through Writer’s Space or delivering a book review and after an inspired book moved them to share it to help others, our space is for anyone with energy and purpose to write what is important to them.

Stories about struggles, success and expression of the heart and mind told through essays, poems, and words that provide a release intellectually and emotionally providing a healthy way to express their message and a healthy way to learn from each other.

How life events effect all of us is medicine as well as informs us all by learning about the broader picture and contemporary cultural themes.

Writers Space invites published authors, students and everyone in-between to inspire, provide, provoke, offer tips and solutions, to add their voice to our platform and beyond by widening their online presence and reach.

Find interesting things one doesn’t usually find in the metaverse.  Guest authors and reviewers share what’s one their mind.  All people living life have thoughts that need to be expressed and its easy and free.

Find ideas and expand your world from other unique perspectives from people across the spectrum in the Writers Space.  As well reading thoughtful reviews of books that have made an impact.  Check out guest essayist, reviewer and author Zane Pace.

Join free and contribute your reviews and essays now. Be heard at Your Voice Your Review today.


Stop by to see what people are reading and writing!

Read our review on LunaLani The Starlifter Secrets of Magic Island on the Your Voice Your Review website.